Our first tales of the Lady of the Pond are haiku. Haiku are short and sweet--three lines, seventeen syllables--so it's an accessible form of poetry for kids ages 8 to 11. This exercise helped us listen for and identify syllables while we stretched our creative muscles. Our haiku are listed below; I've retained the children's spelling and grammar for authenticity.
Lady of the Pond
She is nice to me and you.
Shall we tell her tale?
Lady of the Pond
Is awesomer than her sis,
Lady of the Lake.
It is the quest my freind
it is the first quest af All
lancealot shall prove
two shall betray him
the frind and his love
the king shall not live
Lady of the Pond
She is very beautiful
She owns lake and pond
Pond full of Lady
Gave us a look so shady
cuz we yelled "Katie!"
I saw a lady
at the pond one happy day
running super fast
Lady of the Pond
thayt is sow frekon awsom
lady of the pond
Lady of the Pond
She has honey with her tea
Lady of the Pond